• March 10, 2022 6:00 am
  • by Deepthy

Tips On Hiring The Right Java Developer

  • March 10, 2022 6:00 am
  • by Deepthy

To build a great product, you will need to source top-class developer talent. Before taking the plunge, check out these six tips to follow to hire the right Java developer.

Map Out Java App Requirements

Before ever considering recruiting any developers, you must first have project specifics in place to help choose people with the correct skillset. Every Java application development project is different and has its own set of technological requirements so determine what your application’s requirements are.

Suppose you are developing an e-commerce site in PHP and need a developer with a minimum of four years of experience working in WordPress projects, make sure that is how your job posting reads. Be as specific as possible so that candidates who are not a good fit will filter themselves out from the beginning.

Closely Interview the Java Developers

It is no secret you will want harmony within your development team. But you will also need people with the practical know-how to fix any kind of issue in tight situations. Take the time to quiz the candidate on framework knowledge, extra language support, and APIs.

If you are working on an enterprise-level project, having a dev familiar with enterprise-level Java frameworks such as Struts or Spring is crucial. If security issues are a concern, ensure they have knowledge about OAuth and how it affects security on web apps.

Also, make sure they have a thorough understanding of -

  • Java core, web technologies, basics of class loading mechanism, MVC, JDBC, Java EE components: Servlets, Java Beans and Java Server Pages and RESTful services.

  • OOPS and OODS, Spring MVC, web services, technologies, algorithms, Relational Databases, complex SQL queries, and design patterns.

  • Tools such as Seam, Hibernate, Android Studio, GradleMaps Store, Spring, ORMLite, Corona SDK, CachingTouch, Weld, Spring, ORMLite, Corona SDK, CachingTouch, and Weld.

  • public/private key encryption and other aspects of web security.

  • Concepts such as EventBus, EJB, and the Android NDK.

Knowledge and Experience in Industry Verticals

Before selecting a Java programming firm, you must first understand their industry and specify the desired outcomes in the context of Java solutions. So ideally, hire someone that has developed similar projects from diversified domains in their past roles - who can fulfil not just IT industry needs but can relate to the business operations too.

Most developers have some kind of online portfolio to showcase projects they’ve completed previously. You’ll need to look beyond what’s written on a Java developer’s CV to discover the developer’s capabilities. Calling these clients can help you verify a developer’s skills and work. You can look at the candidates’ portfolios and see the work they’ve done for other clients.

You can also use a skill test for evaluation -

  • Core Java Online Test

  • Java MCQ Online Test

  • Java Practical Test to Choose Mid-Level Java Developer

  • Advanced Java Online test for Recruiting Experience Developer

  • Java Full Stack Developer Skill Test

  • Liferay Online Test

  • RESTful Test

  • Spring Boot Online Test

Recruit the person, not the role

Technical skills are significant, of course, but the value of enthusiasm and adaptability cannot be underestimated. A mid-level, experienced dev who’s willing to upskill in a more agile entrepreneurial environment is more valuable than a senior-level dev who’s set in their ways. So don’t be too quick to rule out a candidate if they don’t match your specifications right now.

By looking beyond the role itself and focusing on the person, you may find a Java developer who’s willing to join an established organisation and pick up new skills. Hiring junior-level or even hobby coders to the role also gives you the chance to mould them as they’re willing to work on small but interesting projects, with more freedom in the use of technology, approach, and programming language.

If you can give juniors a precoding challenge, you’ll be able to see their level, and if they have a strong work ethic, they could prove a valuable asset.

Hire someone who shares your values

Developers contribute enormously to achieving your goals as a company by creating apps and websites that represent and reflect your business. So by finding the developer who put your culture front and centre throughout the job advert and during the interview.

When bringing a new developer into the fold, it’s this quality that should be a top priority. It is essential that your developers understand where you are looking to take the brand. And by keeping your brand mission at the forefront of your mind during the recruitment process, you will be better equipped to find a dev who subscribes to your vision and is impassioned to be on board with your values as a brand.

Ask the candidate to describe the working culture they feel most productive and content in. Ask them what their single most significant contributor to their job satisfaction is. These kinds of questions will give you a good idea of how they align with your goals.

Hire someone who thinks ahead

When developing an app, making sure it will be around for the long haul must be a key consideration. You don’t want to spend time on something that will become instantly outdated, so hire a developer who can write clean code that other developers could easily work within the future and that wouldn’t slow down the app or create conflicts.

You will require a viable app for years to come, so bring in a dev who can fulfil that specification. Clean code goes a long way towards future-proofing your applications, and for this reason, forward-planning makes it a top priority when hiring. What you should be prioritising is a developer who has a deeply ingrained knowledge of Java and long-term consideration for any developers that may need to work on the app in the future.

If you have already begun your search and feel like you ran out of options, you can use our services for recruiting a Java developer on an hourly, part-time or full-time basis.

Hire Java Developer

Final Thoughts

When you look to hire a Java developer, two of the main priorities you’ll need to take into account are their technical skills, and they share your core values. Whether you hire a Java developer or a full-stack programmer, make sure you’re not looking in the wrong place, which could mean your business faces delays and added costs. Often they will be found in the places you least expect and could revolutionise your organization's performance.

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