laravel vs codeignitor
  • July 17, 2019 4:37 am
  • by Ajanth

Laravel vs Codeigniter – Which is the best framework for App development?

  • July 17, 2019 4:37 am
  • by Ajanth

Make a choice between Laravel vs Codeigniter frameworks

Today, we are in a high need to make our development more structured since the development of apps and sites can prove to be quite an inconvenience and take up too much time. The best solution to tackle this problem is by adopting PHP frameworks. Shorter development time, code reuse, and higher productivity are some of the benefits of adopting a framework for your application. Both CodeIgniter and Laravel, are PHP frameworks, that are used in web applications development, both of them are open source frameworks. Examples of PHP frameworks other than Laravel and CodeIgniter includes Zend, CakePHP, Yii, and many more. We will provide you with a brief analysis of Laravel vs Codeigniter – Which is the best framework for app development? Following are the differences between Laravel and Codeigniter to help you make the right decision in choosing the best offshore software development company for development activities.

Laravel vs Codeigniter Frameworks

What is Laravel Framework?

Laravel enables web app development via the use of the MVC architectural pattern and uses an Object-Oriented database model.

Advantages of Laravel Framework for App Development

  • Laravel developers can find it easy to organize the application’s database since it has a simple ORM(Object Relational Mapping).
  • Laravel development allows developers to build a specific URL for every HTTPS route since it supports custom HTTPS routes.
  • In Laravel, we can use a query builder as a potential alternative to ORM(Object Relational Mapping).
  • Laravel is best suited for enterprise solutions since it offers IoC support.
  • We can easily integrate third-party libraries with Laravel.
  • Laravel has built-in caching and authentication mechanisms.

What is CodeIgniter Framework?

CodeIgniter is a straightforward PHP framework that enables developers to develop dynamic websites and full-featured web apps.
CodeIgniter uses the Relational Object-Oriented database model.
It gives a simple routing method along with excellent stability, and it offers great support through the framework’s active community with a swift response to queries.

Advantages of CodeIgniter Framework for App Development

  • CodeIgniter is an extremely lightweight framework.
  • The major advantage of the MVC architecture of the CodeIgniter framework is that it allows the developers to easily manage the separate code forms based on the data structure and the design HTML code.
  • CodeIgniter has a simple and user-friendly interface that ensures developers to clearly understand their code, without any unnecessary glitches that are normally found in Laravel and other frameworks.
  • The database abstraction layer in CodeIgniter allows developers to easily create, update, or remove any statement without the creation of raw SQL.
  • Being highly stable is one of the main advantages of using CodeIgniter. Any instability that is found can be quickly corrected because of its large community of users. Finding an unstable component is nearly impossible in the AI version of the framework.
  • CodeIgniter development has clear and well-structured documentation when compared to other frameworks.
  • Third-party plugins remain enabled in CodeIgniter, which is very beneficial while implementing complex functionalities in the product.
  • The behavior of the CodeIgniter framework can be easily changed by easily customizing the existing library.
  • A huge set of built-in libraries are included in the CodeIgniter development framework, which includes unit testing modules, zip encoding, calendar, validations, email, and sessions, etc.
  • As far as the security of the framework is concerned, CodeIgniter has built-in security tools that help the developers to build and customize the security standards for your web app according to your requirements.

Laravel vs Codeigniter – Which is the best framework for app development?

When it comes to choosing between Laravel vs Codeigniter frameworks, both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. We will differentiate Laravel vs Codeigniter as,

  • Laravel allows developers to establish custom HTTPs routes whereas CodeIgniter does not support HTTPs routes sufficiently.
  • Laravel only supports explicit routing, whereas CodeIgniter supports both explicit and implicit routing.
  • Laravel built-in module allows programmers to divide a project into small modules via a bundle whereas CodeIgniter doesn’t support built-in modularity features.
  • CodeIgniter lacks a global template system whereas Laravel uses Blade Templates.
  • CodeIgniter is compatible with the database management system (DBMS) such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft BI, MongoDB, DB2, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, Whereas Larval is compatible with JDBC, MYSQL, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.

If you are a developer who is working on a project which must be delivered as fast as possible, then CodeIgniter is the best choice for you. Laravel has an edge when compared to CodeIgniter because of its advanced features. However, when compared to Laravel vs Codeigniter both are their own importance in app development.

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